Domino is a game of chance and skill where players lay dominoes end to end on the table in order to form lines or shapes that advance a particular goal. In the simplest game, each domino has a line down the middle that divides it into two squares—one with an arrangement of spots called “pips,” similar to those on a die, and the other blank or identically patterned. The number of pips on each end determines which suit it belongs to—a domino with six spots is in the six-suit set, for example, while one with no pips belong to the zero-suit.
Like dice or playing cards, dominoes can be used to play many different games. Most of these are layout games that fall into two broad categories, blocking games and scoring games. Dominoes can be played with any number of dominoes, although the majority of games are designed for use with the double-six set. Larger sets—double-9, double-12 and double-15—are commercially available to allow a greater number of players.
In addition to the traditional numbered dominoes, there are also sets with non-numbered tiles. These are often used to represent other objects or situations, such as the ruins of an ancient city or a game of chess on a large board. There are also many different types of specialty pieces, such as the double-six spider, which is a non-standard piece with no spots on any end.
There are many ways to win a domino game, but the most important factor is the timing of your moves. Dominoes need to be placed at just the right time, so that they cascade down in a natural way that advances the story and makes it clear what the next step is. Storytellers can apply this same principle to their writing. In fiction, the scene dominoes must be spaced correctly so that the hero advances towards his or her goals and is not left hanging at a plot point.
Domino’s Pizza is an excellent example of a company that has mastered the art of domino. In the Undercover Boss episode where Don Meij was sent to several Domino’s locations, he quickly learned that the most effective way to improve the company was by listening to the employees and taking their concerns seriously. This led to Domino’s making changes that have had a profound effect on the company’s success.