Domino is a game in which players score points by placing dominoes edge to edge so that the pips on one end match those of another. The player wins the game when his or her remaining dominoes total a multiple of five. Dominoes can be made out of a variety of materials, including ivory, bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), or dark hardwoods such as ebony, with contrasting black or white pips inlaid or painted onto the surface.
In most games the dominoes are stacked on end in long lines. When the first domino is tipped over it causes the next domino in line to tip and so on, until all the dominoes have fallen. This can create very complex patterns, and the resulting chain of events is called a domino effect. Dominoes can be used for other purposes besides playing games, such as making artistic designs. These can be simple lines of dominoes, grids that form pictures when they fall, or 3D structures such as towers and pyramids.
A number of different rules and variations of the game exist, but the object is always to knock down all the dominoes before your opponent does. In some games, play stops when one player has played all his or her dominoes; in others, the game continues until both players have “gone out” by playing their last dominoes.
Some games require the use of particular kinds of dominoes. For example, the smallest dominoes have just two pips and are called double-twelve or two-twelves, while the largest have twenty-four pips and are known as a double-nine set. The larger dominoes are usually a little longer than the smaller ones, and this can affect the way that they are placed on the table and how easy it is to read their numbers.
Another aspect of the game that varies is how dominoes are scored. The most common method is to use a scoring chart that shows how many points a particular combination of dominoes scores, with each point representing one domino in a row. The chart is normally printed on both sides so that the player can keep track of his or her score while the game is being played.
Dominoes are also commonly used as decorative items and can be arranged to make shapes such as hearts or flowers. This art forms a special type of puzzle, as the artist must be able to visualize how each domino will fit together to create a whole. Hevesh often creates test versions of her designs, filming them in slow motion to make sure that each part will work properly.
Domino’s Pizza has a great culture that is shown in their management practices and their core values. Their CEO Don Doyle appears on the show Undercover Boss, where he is sent into various stores to see how the employees interact with their customers. He is able to spot problems and implement changes quickly, such as relaxing the dress code and improving training for managers. This kind of open communication with the public is one of the key reasons Domino’s has such a high customer satisfaction rate.