A sidney prize is an award that is given to people who have made a contribution to society. This can be through their work or even through their contributions to the economy. The awards are given on a national basis and judges consider the past achievements of nominees as well as their potential to continue making a difference into the future.
Sidney Hook Memorial Prize
The SS Sydney Hook Memorial Prize is awarded each year in memory of the founder of Phi Beta Kappa. It recognizes a member who has shown national distinction in scholarship and undergraduate teaching, and who is committed to the ideals of liberal education. The winner is honored at the Society’s triennial council meeting, and receives a cash prize of $500.
In the early 20th century, a Canadian physicist named Sidney Brown was a world-class scientist, but he also had a passion for communicating science to nonscientists. He believed that the greatest reward was not in the scientific discoveries themselves, but in sharing them with the public. He was a pioneer in molecular biology and helped develop the theory of gene replication and cell division. He also developed an innovative approach to protein structure determination using NMR spectroscopy.
One of the most prestigious awards in Australia is the Sydney Peace Prize, which is awarded to leading global voices that promote peace, justice and nonviolence. It is supported by the City of Sydney and awarded by the Sydney Peace Foundation. Previous laureates have included Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson and Joseph Stiglitz. The award is based on votes from the public and includes a lecture at Sydney Town Hall, a gala dinner and a visit to Australia.
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The 2023 Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize was awarded to Yeena Kirkbright for her story, Camperdown Grief Junk. The story was selected from a shortlist of eight entries and will be published in Overland magazine’s summer issue. The judges, Laura Elvery, Paige Clark and Michael Winkler, would like to thank all the writers who entered this year’s competition.
The City of Sydney congratulates Nazanin Boniadi on receiving the 2018 Sydney Peace Prize. Her tireless efforts to turn outrage into action and bring attention to human rights abuses in Iran are commendable. This is a great achievement, and we look forward to seeing her in Sydney later this year to accept the prize. In the meantime, we encourage residents to continue supporting the work of the Sydney Peace Foundation and help us achieve a more peaceful world. You can do this by donating to the foundation or attending one of their events.