The term “big data” has become a buzzword in modern life and generally refers to datasets too large for traditional analysis tools. While the SGP project is working to assemble an unprecedented amount of information for the scientific questions at hand, in comparison to for instance analyzing global Facebook interactions it remains a relatively small dataset. Consequently we think of our research as “medium data”, which still requires significant work to collect, prepare and manage.
Data SGP leverages longitudinal student assessment data to produce statistical growth plots (SGP) of a student’s relative progress in relation to academically-similar peers. These growth percentiles reveal insights into how a student performs compared to his or her peers, helping educators identify gaps in learning and formulate plans to improve students’ performance.
In addition to the individual student SGPs, educators can see school and district-wide reports highlighting strengths, trends, and areas for improvement. These reports can be used to inform classroom instruction, evaluate teachers/schools/districts, support educator evaluation systems and conduct broader research.
SGPs are calculated using student-level data from previous years of state tests, including the Badger Exam and WKCE. Due to the significant differences in statewide testing results between the Badger and Forward exams, DPI was unable to produce SGPs for the 2014-15 year, a year that is represented in the SGPs displayed in the dashboard.
The SGPs in the dashboard are based on an algorithm that is designed to capture the most accurate possible picture of students’ growth over time, given a particular combination of prior test scores and covariates. The SGPs in the dashboard reflect the results of this algorithm, which has been independently verified for accuracy.
As such, the SGPs in the dashboard are not intended to be a substitute for the standardized test scores that are required for state accountability. Rather, the SGPs in the dashboard are designed to complement these test scores by providing an additional measure of student progress that is focused on the achievement gap between low- and high-performing students.
To help educators analyze and use this new data, the SGPs in the dashboard are formatted into a spreadsheet for further analysis. This sgpData spreadsheet provides a convenient and straightforward way for educators to view student SGPs, compare students with similar profiles, and examine a variety of other demographic characteristics such as gender and socioeconomic status that are not available in the summary report. The sgpData spreadsheet also includes teacher-student lookup tables that make it easy to link student test records with their teacher and course assignments. Educators can download this spreadsheet from the BAA Secure Site and use it to view SGPs for students in their classrooms.